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2003-08-25 - 11:22 a.m.

The Ups and downs of a pseudo rock star�

Ok so apparently Jimmy from Megadeth is out of town and won�t be playing with Venus Bleeding. Damn� Our drummer had best show up to practice on Wednesday with a fill in drummer or else� or else I�ll be forced to use my back up plan which is to use our drummer from Space Vacuum. He�s already agreed to it but it just pisses me off that I have to take care of everything� always! Grrrrr�

So in BIG news, my band Space Vacuum is going to play THE FILLMORE (ok, ok it�s only the lounge), but it�s for the FISHERSPOONER SHOW! We are so excited� and one of my band mates is friends with a guy who knows one of them and is supposed to introduce us to them! (I�ll believe it when I see it, but hey, it�s fun to think about).

I now have officially two degrees of separation from Iggy Pop!!! Our rockstar friend Cinder from the band Tilt (and now the singer for Fabulous Disaster), is apparently hanging out in NYC with Iggy. Man�

I have too many shows coming up to count, which is a good thing, but it makes me tired just thinking about it. Venus Bleeding just did a TV show� some local access thing. It was fun, although I broke a string so my performance sucked ass� ah well�

Oh yeah, L is home from his tour with The Libertines. Their album is number 5 in the UK right now!!! I hope they take him on a European tour. Here�s a pic of my hot rockstar hubby�

So Friday night my girls from Space Vacuum went to see Type O Negative. But it was sold out. So we were wandering around trying to drum up scalped tickets and we saw Johnny, the drummer. So we gave him a CD and talked to him for a minute. It was funny� we managed to pay the door guys to let us in and got up front. I knew the guy at the back stage door, so he let us sidle up to the stage on the side. Then he offered us a show at a new club. Overall it was a fun evening. I hope Type O listened to our CD� heh�

Oh yeah, Dorkfysh's kid is using our music in her 3D animation!!! That kid is seriously a genius and I'm lucky to have met her and her uber-cool mom! THANKS!!!!!!!


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