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2003-06-20 - 4:42 p.m.

Oh happy Friday.

The Friday five sucks today so I didn�t do it. But here�s the jist. Hair. Too many styles to mention (including a mullet in 1983), dyed, permed, short, long� most bad hair days all the time� that�s about it�

I should be working but my brain shut off a few hours ago and I just can�t seem to muster up the energy on Friday at 4:30. I�m horrifically overdrawn and my fish died yesterday. He was a Beta fish named Boris. He was cute, and sweet, and cuddly. All I did was clean his water and poof, he�s dead. (Yes I put the water conditioner in�). Maybe he had a weak heart due to all the cats running around the house. Maybe he was so shocked that I cleaned his bowl he couldn�t deal. Maybe he was gleaning his very life force from the schmutz in the water. We may never know� well, here�s to you Boris. May you swim in heaven with the princess angels. Tribute song anyone?

I got the bass that my mom bought me for my birthday yesterday. It�s SO CUTE and fun to play! I love it! Can�t wait for the guitar. Oh I�m now officially playing keyboards in Venus Bleeding as well as violin and backing vocals. I�m going to shoot for the Jew�s harp and cymbals between my knees next.

I downloaded some bass tablature to practice by Radiohead. Specifically Paranoid Homesick Alien. AMAZING bass line (and impossible to figure out!). I have a pretty good ear, and am able to figure out most bass lines. But not this one! Colin (Radiohead bassist) is a genius! I love them all, but am partial to him. Especially since he looks and acts like a welder. I would vote him �least likely to be musical in anyway, let alone a genius�. I like that about him.

To make a little side money, I�ve been working on a project for a friend of a co-workers who is taking a biking trip through Europe (apparently) and wanted him and his buddy photoshopped into pics of the Tour de France, Running of the Bulls etc. It�s a fun little project except that they want TONS of pics but only provided me with a couple shots of each guy. Which makes putting them into a variety of poses in the shots difficult. Not to mention the photos they sent were grainy and fuzzy. So I did the best I could. They all look photoshopped and funny, which I guess is the purpose anyway.

Anyone want me to poorly photoshop them into a picture? I work cheap!


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